Hey everyone, I am happy to finally announce that Minecraft 1.19.3 is now fully supported on Lunar Client! This update took longer for us than expected and I'll try to explain why. With the release of Minecraft 1.19.3, Mojang has decided to change their release schedule. Instead of saving a collection of features for one big update, they are releasing features more frequently inside of minor versions like 1.19.3 and the upcoming 1.19.4 version.

We have been working on improvements to our internal multi-version platform in preparation for this change by Mojang, and plan to support as many versions as our community finds useful. With support for more versions, comes more work for our Development and QA Teams, and as such we may lag behind in some of these minor releases.
We have already started targeting the new 1.19.4 snapshot 23w03a to get ahead of the game but please bare with us on the releases of these new minor versions! Like I said before, we are improving our internal platform to make things smoother but it just takes time!
I hope I was able to give a little insight on why it took so long for us, and I hope you guys enjoy 1.19.3 on Lunar Client! If you run into any issues on 1.19.3, please report them to our support team! We want the new version to be as smooth as possible for everyone.

Within the Lunar Client Launcher there are currently only two modules available to play on Minecraft 1.19.3. These modules are Vanilla and Sodium. We are currently monitoring the development progress of OptiFine and waiting for their team to have a more stable build before making the module accessible to our users.

Not quite sure about the difference between modules on Lunar Client 1.19.3? Select one of the modules below to learn more!
Vanilla Module
If you are looking to just play Vanilla Minecraft 1.19.3 with Lunar Client's features this is the module for you!
Sodium Module
Optifine Module
The OptiFine module is pretty self-explanatory, it's a build of Lunar that has OptiFine bundled into it. Unfortunately, OptiFine is not in a stable enough state yet to be supported in Lunar Client 1.19.3 but they recently released a pre-release version on their website so we will be actively monitoring it for it's full release. We plan on adding OptiFine support as soon as it's ready, so be on the look out for that!

If you don't see the Realms button on your main menu, don't be alarmed! Minecraft Realms is only available on the latest versions of Minecraft. Since Lunar Client is now supporting Minecraft 1.19.3, Realms will now appear on that version.