The Lunar Client Discord server is the perfect opportunity for Minecraft players to communicate and connect with each other. Designed specifically for Lunar Client users, the Discord server provides easy access to the latest updates, announcements, and bug fixes, ensuring players stay informed about everything Lunar Client has to offer. The Lunar Client Discord server allows members to participate in giveaways, giving them a chance to win Lunar Client cosmetics. Players can also link their Discord account and X (formerly known as Twitter) account for a chance to win Lunar Client cosmetics from our giveaways. They can also claim the Purple Earmuffs, Purple Flame Outfit, and Purple Particle Aura for free if they're in the Discord and have their Minecraft account linked. In this article, we will dive into the significant benefits that players gain while being in the Lunar Client Discord.
Linking your Discord and X Account
First and foremost, let’s go over how to link your Discord and X account. The process is quite simple. To start, ensure that you’ve launched Lunar Client. Once opened, you'll see a dropdown in the top left corner of the main menu. Hovering over it will open a tab in your default browser, where you can begin the verification process. Once you’ve successfully linked your Discord and X accounts, you are now eligible for cosmetic benefits!

If you're unsure whether your Discord account is properly linked, you can verify it by checking your roles in our Discord server. You’ll know your account is linked because you will automatically receive the “Account Linked” role in the Lunar Client Discord server.
Linking Benefits
Members of the Lunar Client Discord server will obtain the Purple Earmuffs (Hat cosmetic), the Purple Flame Hands (Outfit cosmetic), and the Small Purple Particle Aura. With their majestic purple shade, these cosmetics are perfect for a stand-out cosmetic combo! As long as your Discord account is linked to your Lunar Client account and you’re a member of the Lunar Client Discord server, you’ll have access to these cosmetics for free. If you decide that you no longer want to be a member of the Lunar Client Discord, you will lose access to these cosmetics.

Players who win our giveaways on X must have their X accounts linked to their Lunar Client account to claim their cosmetic reward. Find our X page here to participate in our X cosmetic giveaways!
For more detailed information on obtaining free cosmetics and our cosmetic giveaways, check out our article for free cosmetics. If you are interested in learning more about the Lunar Client Discord server, check out this article.