There’s no doubt that speedrunning has become one of the largest aspects of Minecraft over the years, and with the growing desire for everyone to give it their best shot at beating Minecraft in the shortest time possible. As the community continues to push the limits of speedrunning strategies, many have turned to mods that not only enhance gameplay but also provide essential tools for optimizing their runs.

Thanks to Lunar Client, players can access a wide variety of mods, many of which can enhance speedrunning experiences by improving time management, simplifying navigation, and streamlining gameplay. Lunar Client offers various tools to help optimize runs, allowing players to fine-tune settings to match their personal preferences perfectly.

This article will go over some of the best Lunar Client mods that players can use for their Minecraft speedruns. Read more below to learn more about these five mods that can give you an edge in your Minecraft speedruns!

Stopwatch Mod

Timing is everything in a speedrun, and Lunar Client’s Stopwatch mod ensures you can track your progress with precision. The Stopwatch mod allows you to add a stopwatch to your in-game HUD, allowing you to keep track of how long you’ve been playing in your Minecraft world. You can set a key bind to start/stop the stopwatch, change the display format for the timer, change its colors, and scale it to the size you prefer.

The Stopwatch Mod on Lunar Client
The Stopwatch Mod on Lunar Client

Saturation Mod

Lunar Client’s Saturation mod allows you to view your total saturation level via an in-game HUD. This can be useful because saturation plays a huge role in how much health you can regenerate back. Fortunately, the Saturation mod also offers options to alter the color and size of the HUD, as well as a function that lets you highlight how many hunger bars you will regain by eating the food item in your hand.

The Saturation Mod on Lunar Client
The Saturation Mod on Lunar Client

Direction HUD Mod

The Direction HUD mod on Lunar Client places a sleek compass at the top of your in-game HUD, allowing you to view which direction you’re moving at a quick glance. The Direction HUD mod is also greatly customizable, allowing you to change its color, use a different style, and place it wherever you want on your screen. The Direction HUD mod also integrates with our waypoints mod to show you the direction of your waypoints through markers right on the HUD.

The Direction Hud Mod on Lunar Client
The Direction Hud Mod on Lunar Client

Coordinates Mod

The Coordinates mod places a neat HUD on your screen with your Minecraft coordinates as well as some additional useful information, such as which biome you’re currently located in, the number of chunks you currently have rendered, as well as the direction you are facing.

You can disable or enable any of the information listed, choose whether you want to display them vertically or horizontally, or even display them separately on different parts of your HUD. Additionally, you can also change the color of each one as well as their scale, allowing you to customize the mod to your liking.

The Coordinates Mod on Lunar Client
The Coordinates Mod on Lunar Client

Waypoints Mod

Lunar Client’s Waypoints mod lets you mark important locations in your Minecraft world with fully customizable waypoints in any color you choose. This is especially useful for speedrunning, as it allows you to easily navigate back to key locations for essential resources.

Additionally, Lunar Client’s Waypoints mod allows you to create waypoints anywhere you like in your Minecraft world with any colors you prefer, allowing you to mark important locations that you might need to come back to in order to obtain items that will help you during your run.

The Waypoints mod also offers various customization options, including the ability to select whether you only want the waypoints to show when you’re looking near them, showing an icon alongside each waypoint, or changing the size.

The Waypoints Mod on Lunar Client
The Waypoints Mod on Lunar Client

If you have any questions or are experiencing issues with your client, create a ticket on our Support Website or join the Lunar Client Discord server! If you are unsure of how to create a ticket, please view the Lunar Client Support Guide.