Added support for first person cosmetics
Added a new cosmetic category for Wristwear cosmetics
Fixed an issue causing cosmetic particles to render at the incorrect position on 1.21.2+
Fixed an issue causing the quiz solver to not function correctly
Fixed an issue where turning off Scrollable Tooltips would hide the item's lore
Fixed an issue where the Show Tooltip Info option wouldn't show numbers on modern
Fixed an issue with Apollo's Saturation Module overrides not working on 1.20.5+
Bumped NotEnoughUpdates to version 2.5.0
Added support for importing and playing on CurseForge modpacks
Redesigned the settings page to be more intuitive and user-friendly
Added a "Reset" button to each of the settings to restore to the default option
Redesigned the top bar to include an application menu for ease of use
Fixed issues with authentication arguments during game launches
Fixed various issues with launcher sessions
Added various features to Dungeons:
Added a Gyrokinetic Wand Gravity Storm Radius Preview
Added a HUD for Floor 4 Spirit Bear Spawn Timer
Added Croesus NPC Chest Helper:
Added an option to hide opened chests
Added an option to hide chests openable with chest key
Added an option to highlight chests openable with chest key
Added a HUD for Dungeon/Kuudra Speedrun Timer
Added an option to hide wrong Terminal Solver items
Added an option to hide tooltips in Terminals
Added a chat message for when teammates collect secrets
Added various features for Farming:
Added a HUD to track Farming progress:
Tracks Crops per hour
Tracks Farming XP per hour
Tracks Blocks per second
Tracks time until next/max Garden milestone
Added a HUD to track Pumpkin/Melon Dicer RNG Drops
Added a HUD to track Visitor Statistics and Drops
Added a HUD to track Visitor Shopping List
Fixed an issue where settings and mods did not revert to their previous state after being adjusted by a server
Added support for HUD Caching on 1.21.2+
Fixed an issue causing Minimes to not have the correct skin on 1.21.2+
Fixed an issue causing rendering problems with server's resourcepacks on 1.21.2+
Adjusted the options for Potion Effect Exclusions to be sorted Alphabetically
Added Simple Voice Chat support to Hosted Worlds
Fixed an issue causing worlds in the server list to appear dark when hovering
Fixed an issue causing the disconnect event to not fire while using Apollo's transfer packet (Legacy)
Fixed an issue causing the client to crash when rendering cloth cloaks while emoting
Fixed an issue causing the offline time to show incorrectly when changing the last seen privacy setting in launcher
Fixed an issue causing Chat Height Fix to reset after switching from modern versions
Fixed an issue causing items to rotate when new items dropped
Added missing Resistance effects to the Exclude Potion list
Fixed an issue causing Direction HUD to be immovable on the HUD
Dungeon HUD Improvements:
Replaced the marker with a player head on the Dungeon Map HUD for improved visibility
Added Score Overview below the Dungeon Map
Added the item's creation date in the item's lore
Fixed an issue causing Dungeon score calculation to be slightly off
Added support for the Combat Module on modern versions
Removed support for the Border Module on modern versions
Added a new visibility option to only show cosmetics on yourself or friends
Fixed an issue causing equipped armor to not render properly when emoting on multiplayer servers
Bumped Fabric Loader to 0.16.10
Added support for More Culling on 1.21+
Fixed an issue causing Iris 1.8^ to crash on 1.21.1
Translations will now be updated dynamically for users resulting in more frequent and accurate language updates
Fixed several issues related to caching and rendering on non-main windows (Mission Control, Chat, etc).
Fixed an issue with Launcher startup causing corrupted game profiles when larger modpacks are present
Fixed several issues with selecting snapshot versions in the subversion dropdown
Fixed an issue where the launch notifications were displaying the incorrect subversion
Added the ability to add a Minecraft Server to a player's server list through the use of a deep link parameter (addToServerList
). For more information, check out the Developer Documentation.
Fixed several issues with Lunar FM Premium
Improved error solution handling and log uploading telemetry
Added a notification to turn off Fast Render (OptiFine only)
Fixed an issue causing the shader to reload frequently causing FPS issues
Fixed an issue where the Reconnect button would attempt to transfer you to the server instead of reconnecting
Fixed various issues causing Item Physics to not function properly on modern versions
Added support to hide 3d skins when wearing suits
Fixed an issue causing the client to crash when equipping certain emotes
Added support for cosmetics to hide certain bones when worn
Added support for dynamically switching cosmetic models based on slim or non-slim player models
Added support for the coin flip emote
Added the ability for modpacks to override certain Lunar options via a config file
Fixed an issue where there miss penalty flag wasn't working properly on 1.8.9
Fixed an issue where the game would crash when exiting
Added translations for the various languages we support
Reworked Vanilla data structure for wider compatibility
Fixed an issue where the selected loader version would not be applied to the launch sequence
Added the ability to bulk import MRPack mods into existing profiles
Improved speed of data fetching
Fixed certain game communication services not registering properly
Added a new theme for New Year's:
Added a new panorama
Added a countdown timer
Added fireworks for New Year